Saturday, May 16, 2009


it's over :' (

Friday, May 08, 2009

You're the best I can love
So please stay as long as you want
Because I do need you more than anyone
- E.B.K

he always and will always ♥♥♥

Friday, May 01, 2009

'he' means love ♥

thanks God, im still with him. i really want share my time just with him. and i know now, only he can love me with all his life and i wish that he was here or that i were there, or that we were together anywhere. and this part really touch me,

you're the one i love
the one that i can put all my love,
you're the one that i can trust
since its hard for me to trust someone
but i can trust you for sure
you're my life, the one that i must protect and care of
so please don't, please don't leave me my love
that's me loving you with all i have
- E.B.K

last night he wrote this for me, and i barely crying when i was reading this :' )

mulai dari enol

di pagi yang cerah ini di saat gue di bangun paksa nyokap gue, dan ternyata pagi ini adalah pagi yang indah karena hari ini adalah tanggal 1 Mei 2009, speedy udah mulai dari enol lagi hahaha. setelah over quota, yaa biasa nyokap gue sering bayar double dari harga biasa, gara-gara over quota, yang sering banget dikarnakan kaka gue nyari tugas dan ofcourse sambil facebook-an ga jelas, dan terutama adek gue si hanif yang baru menduduki kelas 4 SD itu yang sudah menggeluti per-facebook-an jadi dia sok eksis di facebook dan juga game-game yang ada di facebook.
gue heran sekarang, sebegitu banyak orang orang yang sekarang jadi facebook addict, emang sih setelah friendster ngga jaman abis, atau so oldschool beybeh, all people move to facebook. hahaha kok gue jadi nggak jelas gene ya ngomongin facebook and friendster.
yowes lah gue udah lama banget gak ngepost sesuatu, karna abis UN dan sgala macam yang gue harus urus ofcourse tentang persekolahan. wish me luck and all my buddies' high school graduate in this last year with happy ending. love yaa, xoxo : )